
Micronics heat-meters installed at leading University

15 Micronics U1000HM heat-meters were installed at The University of Manchester in April 2016 to assess the efficiency of the building by monitoring the overall energy consumption. This was both for cost reasons and as part of a comprehensive aim to make the University real estate more environmentally effective. The work was carried out by WMB (Installations) Ltd, electrical contractors based in Swinton, Manchester. The NICEIC registered company has been established since 1982. Chris Cunningham, the University’s Estates Manager specified the Micronics unit and called in Darren Smith, WMB’s Director, who has complete confidence in the Micronics unit, to advise and install the heat-meters. “The information is collected from the unit over mod bus and can provide a live display of the reading. In other words the user can see fluctuations in temperature as they happen. In addition dry servicing is possible so that downtime is kept to a minimum, meaning that the students’ day to day activities were not affected.”


The Micronics U1000HM is a fixed installation, clamp-on heat-meter that is easy to install. It uses a multiple slope transit time algorithm to provide accurate flow measurements. Unlike other clamp-on flowmeters, the U1000 transducer separation distance is factory preset to the internal diameter (ID) of the application pipe so minimal time was needed for installation. Compact, rugged and reliable, the U1000HM was perfect for the University’s requirements.

Typical applications include hot water metering and flow measurement, flow measurement for heat metering, chilled water metering and flow measurement, potable water metering and flow measurement, process water metering and flow and ultra pure water measurement.

Its operation has proved so exceptional that a further 200 U1000HM are to be installed at the University in the near future.

For further information on this project or the Micronics range call DMS Metering Soltutions on 01773 534555 or email 


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