Introducing fuss-free Energy Billing with The V1 prepayment device
DMS Metering Solutions, introducing fuss-free Energy Billing with The V1 prepayment device.
DMS now supply the V1 prepayment energy devices, fuss-free, stylish and compact.
The V1 is a popular choice for councils and housing associations alike, and no wonder why! With low operation costs, no prepayment cards needed and a 24/7 automated telephone payment and service facility, it’s easy to see why it’s a big hitter and widely chosen for apartments and large scale housing developments.
How are the meters topped up if there is no payment card?
The unit can be topped up and paid for via PayPal, World Pay, Pay Point network (with over 27,000 outlets), Keyivr or direct debit. There is also a phone line open 24/7 for tops ups. Purchased credits are added using a security encrypted PIN. The units connect to either the M-Bus or pulsed output from a heat (energy) meter which will deduct a prescribed amount of credit from the users "account balance".
The wall-mountable unit is easy to control, reliable and robust. The V1 is available in wired or wireless options. The billing information can be viewed online by both the tenant and the landlord, offering a 2-part tariff which includes a daily standing charge as well as a unit rate.
The V1display is a backlit multifunction screen, showing the remaining credit in £ and p, this allows the user to monitor their account with ease!
If you would like further information or find out how much this unit costs, give our team a call on 01773 534555 or email
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